Valeport 的 Hyperion 荧光素传感器在紧凑且坚固的封装中提供荧光素(铀)的高性能测量,非常适合作为独立传感器,用于 ROV 和 AUV 集成或用作多传感器阵列和数据记录器的一部分。
品牌 | 浩海 | 产地 | 进口 |
加工定制 | 否 |
Valeport 的 Hyperion 荧光素传感器在紧凑且坚固的封装中提供荧光素(铀)的高性能测量,非常适合
作为独立传感器,用于 ROV 和 AUV 集成或用作多传感器阵列和数据记录器的一部分。
Hyperion 荧光计标配 6,000m 深度的钛外壳,具有宽范围 (9‑28V DC) 隔离电源、高达 16Hz 的数据
输出以及 RS232、RS485 和 Modbus RTU 通信协议。 Hyperion 提供
荧光素传感器Hyperion 荧光计可以以更坚固的形式提供,包括乙缩醛保护环、成型的防卡连接器盖和 Kevlar 编织
Sensor Specification
Excitation 470 nm
Detection 545 nm
Detection 545 nm
Minimum Detection(3x SD in RO water) 0.01 ppb
Linearity 0.99 R2
Response Time 0.03 - 2 sec
Output Rate 0.5 Hz to 16 Hz(free running)software controlled
External 9 – 28V DC Isolated
Power <600mW
Connector SubConn MCBH6F
The instrument will operate in real time, with set up performed by
direct communications with a PC before deployment.
RS232 | RS485
2400 - 230400 baud rate
8 data bits | 1 stop bit | No Parity | No Flow Control
USB: supplied cable and converter (RS232 to USB)
RS485 Modbus RTU(standard)
19200 baud rate
8 data bits | 1 stop bit | Even Parity | No Flow Control
Valeport Configure software is supplied. Windows 10 software for
instrument setup.
Materials Titanium with glass window
Depth Rating 6,000m
Dimensions 40mmØ x 179.5mm (including connector)
Weight 0.50 kg (in air)0.26 kg (in water)
Operating Temperature -5°C to 35°C(the sensor is damaged above 60°C)